You can clone individual checks from the "Check Details" page:
The "Create a Copy..." function creates a new check in the same project and copies over the following:
The newly created check has a different ping URL, and it starts with an empty log.
It is sometimes useful to clone an entire project. For example, when recreating an existing deployment in a new region. The Healthchecks web interface does not have a function to clone an entire project, but you can clone all checks in the project relatively easily using the Management API calls. Below is an example using Python and the requests library:
import requests
API_URL = ""
r = requests.get(API_URL, headers={"X-Api-Key": SOURCE_PROJECT_READONLY_KEY})
for check in r.json()["checks"]:
print("Cloning %s" % check["name"]), json=check, headers={"X-Api-Key": TARGET_PROJECT_KEY})